Street Music

August 17, 2010 at 8:53 am (Uncategorized)

Now before you read this article and before you watch the video I post, find your best headphones and plug it in. Also read the article first before watching the video

                Street music is something that is often underrated by numerous people. However it is something that people should look at it as a different version of entertainment, different in a good way of course. There are many street music performers. Some perform in order to survive in their daily lives, some perform as fame, some perform in order to sell their records. However there are some who deeply perform as pleasure. I recently watched a video on Youtube, where 2 saxophone genius street performers play a beautiful piece for a dating couple in the middle of the New York City. Perhaps this will change your mind

                The story behind this video is rather romantic. The girl asks two young men with saxophones to play her a song while she was walking pass them with her date. Then those two young men, one with alto sax and one with tenor, followed the couple while playing a mind warming song in duet. Of course they didn’t have to follow that couple, but they did. Maybe it was because the woman kindly asked them to play, or because they wanted the couple to have the best date of their lives. Never mind, the best date that any couple could dream of; Walking in New York City during autumn while having a live background music designed just for you.

                Later on, after this video was published, there were some people who recognized these young men’s faces. Those boys turned out to be two well known sax players. Who knew? Who knew that two brilliant sax players would ever perform on the streets? They probably performed on the street because they absolutely love playing music for other people. Isn’t this what the street music is all about? Not for money or fame, but to simply make the unchanging streets more blissful? I don’t know what the purpose of this blog article is. I was originally going to write about street music in general but I guess this article is for the video itself. This video will make your day. I guarantee it.

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